September 9, 2014

The Kobayashi Maru of Bike Situations

I like this story for a few reasons.

I can relate to it, for one thing. I, too, have had a bike stolen in NW DC. I know City Bikes and Adams Morgan, and I recognize the flimsy, fence-like dividers in the photographs that accompany Rosscot's account of how the bike stolen from outside his apartment appeared—mere days later—locked near the office building where he works.

And he's got some great lines, like this one (minus the sentence-initial numeral and the there/their swap):
15 white people with tech jobs, some with mugs of coffee in there hands and others live tweeting the experience, all stood around and made jokes and cheered me on as I tried to steal my first bike.
Finally, I like the story because—spoiler alert—it has a happy ending. It's right there in the subtitle: "How my bike got stolen and how I stole it back." And in the triumphal final shot:

Read the story, by all means, but mull over Rosscot's "life lessons" at the very least (link added):
  1. REGISTER YOUR BIKE. Have proof it’s yours! Hide little notes in it, do whatever you can to avoid the situation I was in. And if you register it, leave yourself copies everywhere. On your phone, even.
  2. Don’t leave a bike locked up in plain sight overnight if you can avoid it. No lock is perfect. Just keep your bike out of harm’s way.
  3. I heard stories about cops helping people who just had photos of their bike handy. This wasn’t my experience at all, but it couldn’t hurt to try. But don’t be surprised if you don’t get much help.
  4. Cherish what you’ve got.
  5. Renter’s insurance. Get it, use it.
  6. Report stolen shit to the police ASAP.
  7. Drink coffee. It’s good.
  8. Sometimes, crazy coincidences happen.
(Don't know who/what the Kobayashi Maru of the title is? I had to look it up. Star Trek reference, apparently. According to Wikipedia, the phrase "is occasionally used among Star Trek fans or those familiar with the series to describe a no-win scenario, or a solution that involves redefining the problem.")

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